CECI n'est pas EXECUTE Mondes américains : Presentation

Apuntes Estratégicos |



Apuntes Estratégicos (Strategic Notes) is a journal of political studies devoted to the analysis of a founding and central aspect of social dynamics in the Americas: the many aspects and complexities of ‘protection’. At the very core of politics, ‘strategy’ implies and has a particular dimension, conferred by its relationship with security as a fundamental fact. Such dimension gives a specific meaning to the field of strategy and differentiates it from other spheres of policy and politics. Ultimately referred to the preservation of ‘Us’, the strategic analysis requires both the approach of multiple perceptions of threats and risks as well as the consideration of a set of institutions, stakeholders, techniques and methods, through which different identity groups try to preserve their safety as a guarantee of survival.

Our approach questions the perspective that considers foreign policy and domestic affairs as separate from one-another. It argues that the study of ‘strategy’ must be extended beyond the analysis of armed conflicts, and that the examination of rivalry relationships between ‘power’ and ‘space’ is only one of its aspects. Therefore, this approach digs beyond violent conflicts and its most extreme form, war, and extends beyond the treatment of military issues, nor can it be reduced to international relations, military and/or diplomatic history or geopolitics. This method entails a complex combination of elements: it needs comparative studies that go beyond traditionally admitted disciplinary boundaries, and leads to the use of inherited paradigms from various social sciences. The choice for a cross-disciplinary approach at the methodological level encompasses both the ‘object’ as well as the ‘corpus of sources’. Thus, this journal places the issue at stake at the intersection of various Social Sciences.

Apuntes Estratégicos (Strategic Notes) is a yearly publication with both a printed and an online version. It is a mean of expression of the ‘Network of Strategic Studies’ and it is published by the Latin American Institute of Cooperation of Universidad Nacional de Rosario, in collaboration with CERMA-Mondes Américains. Each issue is based on the participation of several academic centers. The journal consists of an editorial committee, an advisory committee and a scientific committee. The unpublished articles are subject to a double-blind-external evaluation, and must include a summary in Spanish and English, a detailed bibliography, a list of the quoted primary sources and a brief biography of the author. Each article must have between 50,000 and 90,000 characters long, including spaces, and it has to be submitted in Word format.

The journal is structured in five sections:
• Thematic dossier,
• Miscellaneous,
• Reviews,
• Social actors’ perspectives,
• Strategic studies.

The section “Social actors’ perspectives” intends to build an archive of written memories based on interviews or texts by multiple strategic players: members of the armed and security forces, NGO staff-members, government officials, political consultants, CEOs of private security companies, journalists, etc. The section “Strategic studies” briefly introduces academic institutions as well as public and private research centers that work on security matters.

Proposals to be evaluated
• Geopolitics of the South Atlantic
• Demography and food security
• The construction of the threat
• Veterans and war volunteers in Latin America
• The Caribbean as a security space
• El Chaco as a strategic territory: the symbolic, the imaginary and the real
• Socio-history of the security forces in the Americas
• Conflicts, armies and militias in Latin America

Editorial Board

#1 • Seguridad y defensa en las Américas – Entre lo hemisférico y lo subregional, edited by Herminio Sánchez de la Barquera, Andrés Rolandelli

Call for papers

#2 • Security forces in the americas: Socio-Historical perspectives, 19th-20th centuries)
Deadline for submission of proposal (maximum of 500 words): May 31st 2020

Paris Sorbonne
Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense

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UMR 8168

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