Actualités du laboratoire | 2022-2024

Call for Papers -

Call for Papers - "Critical Ethnography of Mining Encounters"

Workshop, Paris, 25-26 September 2024


Critical Ethnography of Mining Encounters

Workshop, Paris, 25-26 September 2024

Deadline : April 30th 2024

This workshop aims to foster a multidisciplinary, comparative dialogue on ethnographic methods in research on mining activities. Starting from the consideration that carrying out fieldwork in the midst of conflicts linked to resource exploitation can be particularly challenging (Ballard and Banks 2003), it seeks to explore the potential of a critical ethnographic approach (Fassin 2012, 2017) and complementary research methods, in order to grasp the multiple asymmetrical relations that unfold in and through mining.

Organizers :

Martin Cavero (IRIS, EHESS) -

Ines Calvo Valenzuela (CERI, SciencesPo)

Pia Bailleul (CERI, SciencesPo) -

Kyra Grieco (Mondes Américains, EHESS) –

Proposals: A 300-word abstract must be submitted by April 30th by email to the organizers. Participants will receive an answer by the end of Mai.

Location: The workshop will take place in Paris. Details will be provided in the final program.

Download call for papers

Paris Sorbonne
Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense

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Mondes Américains -
UMR 8168

2, cours des Humanités
93322 Aubervilliers cedex
Tél. : +33 (0)1 88 12 03 99

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T.  +33 (0) 1 88 12 03 44

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