Actualités du laboratoire | 2022-2024

Workshop -

Workshop - "Experiences of African American Mobility since the Civil Rights Movement"

May 6th 2022, Paris


Experiences of African American Mobility since the Civil Rights Movement

May 6th 2022, Paris
From 9 am to 3 pm

Maison de la Recherche de la Sorbonne
28 rue Serpente 75006 Paris, salle D035

By videoconference on registration with :
Sarah Harakat :
Nicolas Raulin :

Organizers :  Sarah Harakat (Sorbonne Université, HDEA) and Nicolas Raulin (EHESS, Mondes Américains/CENA)


This workshop takes shape around the idea that migration occupies a central place in the African American experience and will try to specifically address the issue of black social and geographic mobility since the Civil Rights Movement. Trough different approaches and disciplines, African American migration will be presented in its most recent developments at the national and local level.
The two panels and the talk of the guest speaker Natoshia Scruggs from New Jersey University will look at the impact of previous waves of migration and sport and black mobility but will also tackle the issue of non-mobility. By the end of the day, we hope to have presented a more precise picture of the most recent developments in African American mobility.


9h - Welcoming of the participants and audience

9h20 - Conference opening

9h30 - Panel #1 - Sport and Mobility - Chair: Marie Assaf (EHESS)

François René Julliard (Université de Nanterre)
The First Great Migration and the Emergence of an African-American Olympic Elite.

Sarah Harakat (Sorbonne Université)
«That 6-foot-8 Roxbury Monster on Your Team » : What Media Coverage of African American Athletes in White Suburban High Schools Reveals about the Politics of Race and Education in Metropolitan Boston (1966 - 1996)

Nathalie Loison (Université Paris-est Créteil)
The Rise and Fall of the Token “Cablinasian”: the Social Mobility of Golfer Tiger Wood in “Post-Racial” America.

11h00 - Panel #2 - Social and geographic immobility - Chair: Marion Marchet (Sorbonne Université)

Carla Toquet (Université de Nanterre)
Young African American Men in "Men We Reaped" by Jesmyn Ward are as mobile as the cars they own : very stationary.

Nicolas Raulin (EHESS)
Stuck in place? The Selectivity of African American Migration to the South and the Metropolitan Area of Atlanta since the 1970s.

Tanya Golash-Boza (University of California, Merced)
Before Gentrification: Race and Dis/Investment in Washington, DC.

12h30 - Lunch

14h - Plenary Conference

Natoschia Scruggs (New Jersey City University)
Newark, City of Dreams: Black Americans, the Great Migration & The Post-Civil Rights Era in Newark, New Jersey.

15h - Closing Remarks

Voir l'affiche

Voir le programme 

Paris Sorbonne
Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense

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