Actualités du laboratoire | 2018

Quatre conférences de Robert S. Jansen, associate professor à l'université de Michigan, Etats-Unis, invité à l'EHESS

Quatre conférences de Robert S. Jansen, associate professor à l'université de Michigan, Etats-Unis, invité à l'EHESS

Les 7, 20 et 21 mars à l'EHESS et le 9 mars à l'Université Paris 1

Robert S. Jansen is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Michigan, in the United States. He is a comparative-historical sociologist with interests in politics, culture, and collective memory. His research has focused largely on Latin America, and he has recently published a book on populist politics in the region (Revolutionizing Repertoires: The Rise of Populist Mobilization in Peru, 2017). He is currently developing a new project on the history of historic preservationism in the United States.


"Conceptualizing Populism: Lessons from Latin America"

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Populismes et néo-populismes, éléments d’une analyse comparative », animé par de Gilles Bataillon et Nilüfer Göle

It has become commonplace in recent months to see political developments in Europe, North America, Asia, and elsewhere under the aspect of “populism.” But historically, most of the populism literature has focused on Latin America. It was with reference to this literature, and to the Latin American cases, that I developed my own conceptual approach to the phenomenon. This talk will summarize that previous conceptual work, but also engage (speculatively, I must emphasize) with current cases to consider how lessons from Latin America’s long history of populist politics might be helpful in illuminating contemporary politics outside of that region.

  • Mercredi 7 mars 2018 de 17h à 19h - EHESS (salle M. & D. Lombard) - 96 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris

"Revolutionizing Repertoires: The Rise of Populist Mobilization in Peru"

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Histoire de l’Amérique latine contemporaine »,animé par Annick Lempérière

Scholars have recognized that contentious political action typically draws on relatively stable scripts for the enactment of claims making. But if this is so, where do new political practices come from? This talk presents a synopsis of my recent book, which attempts to illuminate the above question by explaining the historical emergence of a new mode of political practice—the Latin American variant of populist mobilization—in early twentieth century Peru. As a general overview of the whole book, the talk emphasizes the theoretical apparatus used for explaining what I see as a case of political innovation, while touching on most parts of the historical argument about the rise of populism in Peru.

  • Vendredi 9 mars 2018 de 12h à 14h - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris 1 (salle : CRHM (Centre de Recherche d’Histoire Moderne), Esc. R, 2e étage) - 1, rue Victor Cousin 75005 Paris

"Practicing Populist Mobilization in Peru’s 1931 Election"

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Analyses critiques des configurations populistes », animé par Valerio Coladonato et Lynda Dematteo

This presentation introduces the case of populism in Peru’s 1931 presidential election, with a particular focus on the discourse, organizational structures, and rally practices of the left- and right-wing populist candidates. It draws largely on the fifth chapter of my recent book and is intended to provide participants with a descriptive point of comparison as they consider other populist cases over the course of the seminar.

  • Mardi 20 mars 2018 de 17h à 19h - EHESS (salle A05_51) - 54 bd Raspail 75006 Paris

"The State of Comparative-Historical Methods"

Dans le cadre du séminaire « Formation à la recherche en Amérique latine (FRAL) » animé par Véronique Boyer, Claudia Damasceno Fonseca, Clément Thibaud et Cédric Yvinec

This presentation has two aims. The first is to provide an overview of my recent book as an example of comparative-historical sociology as a method. The second is to use this example to introduce some reflections on the present state of this method as it is currently practiced in the United States. It will not be a comprehensive presentation of my book’s historical argument (although some substantive material will be redundant with other presentations in which I present this argument). Instead, as I have recently designed and taught a graduate seminar in comparative-historical methods, my hope is to facilitate an interdisciplinary conversation about the strengths and weaknesses of comparative-historical sociology as a method.

  • Mercredi 21 mars 2018 de de 17h à 20h - EHESS (salle AS1_24) - 54 bd Raspail 75006 Paris

Les conférences seront données en anglais.

Paris Sorbonne
Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense

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Journées d’études doctorales du laboratoire Mondes Américains

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Les Rendez-vous de Mondes Américains

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