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Jonathan Levy

Jonathan Levy
Chercheur(e) invité(e)
Institution(s) de rattachement : EHESS

Jonathan Levy a historian of economic life in the United States, with interests in the relationships between business and economic history, political economy, legal history, and the history of ideas. His first book, Freaks of Fortune: The Emerging World of Capitalism and Risk in America (2012), traces the simultaneous rise, in the context of slave emancipation, of a new individualist creed that equated freedom with risk-taking and a new corporate financial system of risk management. He is currently working on an interpretive history of US capitalism. The series of lectures here at EHESS all deal with the « fetish of liquidity », and is a history of capital investment and the global economy after 1945.


The ‘Capital’ in Capitalism
Dans le cadre du séminaire État et justice économique aux États-Unis coordonné par Nicolas Barreyre et Romain Huret
This talk surveys various approaches to the study of capitalism, exploring relative emphases upon the investment function. Drawing from Keynes’s writings on liquidity preference, the goal is explain why the history of capitalism since 1945 demands special attention to the investment function, what kinds of analyses such attention demands, and what insights about the economic past it might possibly yield.

• Mercredi 8 mars 2017 de 12h30 à14h – EHESS - Campus Jourdan, 48 bd Jourdan

Capital Goes Global
Dans le cadre du séminaire Recherches nord-américanistes (séminaire du CENA)
This talk, focusing upon the 1970s and early 1980s, explores the demise of the Bretton Woods system amidst the crisis of industrial capitalism in the West. It discusses the geographical transformation of investment flows, as the relationship between the US and the world reversed, and the US became, by 1982, the world’s largest net importer of finance capital.

• Mardi 14 mars 2017 de 14h à 16h – EHESS - salle 12 - 105 bd Raspail 75006 Paris

Capital on the Ground
Dans le cadre du séminaire Atelier Histoire économique, coordonné par J. Bourdieu, J.-Y. Grenier, P.-C. Hautcoeur, G. Postel-Vinay
This talk, beginning with WWII, starts from a moment when war economies had largely fixed capital in industrial form, cross-border flows of finance capital were negligible, and states had forced high rates of domestic savings through wartime taxation and finance. It explores the construction of the postwar Bretton Woods system, as well as the role played by the US in the world economy as hegemon and net exporter of capital. It surveys some of the great public and private fixed capital investment projects of the postwar years.

• Lundi 20 mars 2017 de 14h à 16h – EHESS (salle 12) - 105, boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris

Suffering from Indeterminacy
Dans de cadre du séminaire Capitalisme et inégalités aux États-Unis , coordonné par Nicolas Barreyre, Alexia Blin, Romain Huret, G. Lattanzio, J.-C. Vinel
This talk explores the logic of global capitalist investment after 1980. It seeks to account for, in the context of increasing global capital mobility, the different ways that capital fixes in the physical environment relative to the past, and the reasons why, very often, global capital today no longer does fix, remaining in financial form.

• Jeudi 23 mars 2017 de 17h à 19h – EHESS - salle 12 - 105 bd Raspail 75006 Paris

Paris Sorbonne
Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense

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