Actualités du laboratoire | 2016

Appel à communications Journée d'étude FABRIQ'AM « La fabrique des “patrimoines” : Mémoires, savoirs et politique en Amérique indienne aujourd’hui »

Appel à communications Journée d'étude FABRIQ'AM « La fabrique des “patrimoines” : Mémoires, savoirs et politique en Amérique indienne aujourd’hui »

Du hip-hop au whatsapp : nouvelles formes de communication chez les Amerindiens

Date limite d'envoi des propositions : 31 janvier 2016


 FABRIQ'AM  meeting
« La fabrique des “patrimoines” : Mémoires, savoirs et politique en Amérique indienne aujourd’hui »

From Hip-Hop to Whatsapp: New Forms of Communication Among Amerindian (Global) Communities

Organizers: Karla Avilés González (Labex EFL, Paris 7 / EREA) & Valentina Vapnarsky (EREA, CNRS)


location of the meeting
Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative
MAE, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre
31 March 2016


One of the well-known specificities of globalization is its important capacity to establish connections inside communities as well as between geographically distant and culturally diverse populations (Inda y Rosaldo 2001). Fluxes of capital, ideas, people, images, wealth nowadays travel across frontiers with great freedom and intensity. Traditional mass media such as television, radio and newspapers have played an important role in this communicational intensification, with broad analogical and digital transfers. Since the end of the XXth century, digital innovations have also revolutionized these global interconnections, not just by applying them to the classical mass media, but also by making them accessible to a large audience (popularization of computers, softwares, and internet access with social networks such as Facebook or more personal ones such as Whatsapp or Skype).

All this leads us to ask, in general terms: What are the reaches and implications of these new forms of communication in the new dynamics of Amerindian languages and cultures? And more precisely: How do Amerindian communities use these media, and how do these media reconfigure Ameridian communicative practices and their ethnic identities? One aim of this meeting is to understand how the new Amerindian generations use these digital media to transmit their tastes, interests and concerns, that is, to understand these new practices which respond to a form of socialization more informal than formal, from a non-institutional perspective, and which can embrace a diversity of contexts, from ludic to political. (...)

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Paris Sorbonne
Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense

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